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Conversion Tables

Conversion tables for computation of taxable quantity of wine and spirits.


3 liters 101 fl oz 3 12.00 3.17004 4/5 gallon
1.5 liters 50.7 fl oz 6 9.00 2.37753 2/5 gallon
1.00 liters 33.8 fl oz 12 12.00 3.17004 1 quart
750 milliliters 25.4 fl oz 12 9.00 2.37753 4/5/quart
500 milliliters 16.9 fl oz 24 12.00 3.17004 1 pint
375 milliliters 12.7 fl oz 24 9.00 2.37753 4/5 pint
187 milliliters 6.3 fl oz 48 8.976 2.37119 2/5 pint
100 milliliters 3.4 fl oz 60 6.00 1.58502 2,3 & 4 oz
50 milliliters 1.7 fl oz 120 6.00 1.58502 1, 1.6 & 2 oz

Distilled Spirits

1.75 liters 59.2 fl oz 6 10.50 2.773806 1/2 gallon
1.00 liters 33.8 fl oz 12 12.00 3.170064 1 quart
750 milliliters 25.4 fl oz 12 9.00 2.377548 4/5/quart
375 milliliters 12.7 fl oz 24 9.00 2.377548 4/5 pint
200 milliliters 6.8 fl oz 48 9.60 2.536051 1/2 pint
100 milliliters 3.4 fl oz 60 6.00 1.585032 1/4 pint
50 milliliters 1.7 fl oz 120 6.00 1.585032 1, 1.6 & 2 oz

What is proof?

Proof is a method of measuring the alcohol content of spirits. You calculate the proof of a spirits product is by multiplying the percent of alcohol by volume by two (2). For example, a spirits product that has a 40% alcohol content by volume is 80 proof [40 multiplied by 2 = 80].

Converting U.S. gallons into proof gallons for tax purposes:

1. Multiply U.S. gallons by the percent of alcohol by volume.
2. Multiply by 2.
3. Divide by 100.
Sample calculation:
1. 100 U.S. gallons x 40% alcohol by volume=4000
2. 4000 x 2=8000
3. 8000/100= 80 proof gallons